‎Motion Sensor Detecting Small Dog | SimpliSafe Support Home

Saturday, May 9th, 2020 8:54 PM

Motion Sensor Detecting Small Dog

The site clearly states: " Detects intruders, not pets.  We precision-engineered our motion sensors to detect the unique heat
signature of humans. Not pets."

I am trying to gain the trust of a rescue dog. Not five minutes after arming the system and leaving, the 15 pound dog came out of his crate and was merely rolling around on the LR rug.  This immediately set off the motion sensor that is sitting almost 6 feet of the floor.  I was watching for him via live camera.  I am furious with the system!  What good is having the system at all if it can't differentiate between an intruder and a small 15 pound dog??

2.2K Messages

4 years ago

Well, there is no such thing as a "passive weight sensor" or "passive species sensor".  The motion sensors are PIR (Passive InfraRed) which means they are not motion sensors at all - they are "change in heat" sensors.  If the dog is "hotter" than the ambient temperature (and most are), then he is going to set off the sensor if he gets close enough to it (the larger or hotter he is, the further away it will sense him).

The advertisement is "factually challenged".  If you have animals, you will have to "play games" with the motion sensors to avoid false alarms.  It is wise to set them to "secret alert" until you find an installation which does not pick up the animals..

1.2K Messages

4 years ago

Motions are truely trial and error.  Like 7 said, set them to secret alert for a while until you find what works for you.  The sensors also have sensitivity switches on the back.  You'll need to play with those and play with placement until you get it just right.
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