‎Maximum Height for Motion Sensors | SimpliSafe Support Home

Wednesday, February 10th, 2021 9:01 PM

Maximum Height for Motion Sensors

We don't have pets and have large furniture on nearly every wall in the house.  Is there a limit to how high I can place the motion sensors and them still be effective?  Right now I have them roughly 8' above the floor.  Thanks!



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4 years ago

@mcapehart At 8 feet you will have a large "dead" area not covered directly underneath and to the sides. To test, I would first set the sensitivity switch to high and then, using 2" 3M painters tape coiled in a circle, to temporarily mount the motion sensors on the walls, if you need to move them.  I have one motion in every room on the first floor, for example, and at that high setting multiple motions will cover more than one room, thereby more likely to eliminate those dead spots.  We have a sunken family room and ours are mounted high (about 7 feet) and the kitchen and living room motions cover part of the family room and visa versa.

Want to see how effective they are? Put your system in test, make sure the voice prompts on your base are on high, wait about 2 minutes for them to warm up and then slowly walk through.

Good luck.
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