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Monday, October 24th, 2022 4:55 PM

entry sensor won't slide open

I am trying to replace a battery in an entry sensor but I am unable to slide it open. Any ideas?



6.3K Messages

2 years ago

@doctorjeriann First, look at the sides cloesly of the entry sensor and look for the end with the raised bottom edge.  Make sure you are attempting it to slide in the opposite direct. Nex, make sure there is no portion of the mountng tape that is accidently stuck to the cover. Finally, use a rubber grip (usually round that you have in your kitchen to make opening lids on jars easier) to place on top of the entry cover and then push to slide off the cover. This last suggestion has worked well for me in the few instances where I have run into this problem.  Please post your outcome here if you get a chance.

1 Message

I think there is a real design flaw here. For years I have dreaded here the "some of your devices have low battery" announcement, simply because the SimpliSafe sensors are so impossibly difficult to open for a battery change. There are several on my dining room table right now where I've had to use a butter knife to pry them open. Invariably I have to also replace the gummy tab that affixes them to frames and doors. I am writing this here and now because of my consant frustration with the process. Battery removal also requires either a cracked nail or the butter knife. 

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

2 years ago

@doctorjeriann as the Captain notes, you should just be able to slide the sensor off of the mounting bracket (so typically, the bracket would stay in place). This diagram shows the direction you should be pushing the sensor:


1 Message

The image was very helpful. I just didn't know which way to push. Thanks

1 Message

1 year ago

Yes! Finally!! The rubber grip did the trick - THANK YOU!!!

5 Messages

4 months ago

I have one entry sensor that I can not open, even using the rubber grip.  I can open all my other sensors.  My battery is low.  What do I do?


Community Admin


1K Messages

@donaruth We recommend taking the following steps to remove the Entry Sensor from its bracket:

  1. Locate where the Test Button is on your Entry Sensor
  2. Using the three middle fingers of your hand, apply pressure even pressure to the front of the sensor
  3. Using this pressure, slide the sensor up and off its bracket, toward the direction of the Test Button

5 Messages

It still does not open.  The other sensors are a little difficult to open, but this one moves about the width of a very fine thread, if that much. 

5 Messages

Got it!  I had taken the unit from the door and was trying to open it by holding the sides.  Applying pressure to the front did not work, but I gripped it by the top and bottom and pulled the bracket with my fingertips placed in the cutout.  Even though I had done this before, this time it finally gave way.  Maybe the pressure on the front loosened it.  Is it okay if I leave it a tiny bit open, as it is resisting being totally closed.  Open less than the width of a quarter.

1.5K Messages

@donaruth​ Some things that could have happened.

The command strip under the base curled up into the sensor.

Battery clasp retainer could be broken. Either might prohibit easy removal.

What I'd try, is also pressing down hard but not extremely on the top of the sensor, or press in, however it's mounted, to relieve some of the assembly pressure.

Using both left and right hands, try to slide it off with some force while pressing in on top a bit.

If it's still stuck, you may have to use a piece of floss or something under the base, to remove both base and sensor.

Careful of paint removal if it matters. Command strips can get stuck and remove paint, stain, upon removal.

Then investigate whats hanging up. As best as possible.

If you do that you'll need another command strip to reattach.

You may want to request a new sensor first if under warranty or buy one on Amazon for fastest delivery if not under warranty.

In case you break it. It's defective in some way.

5 Messages

I had no problem removing it from the door casing.  The problem was getting the case to open.  I finally managed to do that.  It is now resisting closing completely so I am wondering if it is okay to leave it partially open - less than the width of a quarter.

1 Message

3 months ago

I simply don't get it. Why design the sensor so that it's almost impossible to open. We shouldn't even be having this discussion

1 Message

3 months ago

i have a gen 1 motion detector and the back will not slide off. It is not wall mounted.


Community Admin


1K Messages

@markcornman The battery plate on the Motion Sensor should slide right off the device.


What can help is to hold the sensor between your two hands. Press into the sensor while moving the hand that's touching the front of the device up and have the hand that's touching the back of the device down

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