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Saturday, January 6th, 2024 9:16 AM

Entry Sensor Triggers False Alarm Twice

I’ve been woken up twice already tonight (12.30a & 1a) with the alarm going off. Upon reviewing the logs, both times the bedroom sensor was the culprit, however there is only one sensor for that part of the house and it’s no more than two feet from me, and I have a clear line of sight to it at all times, and nothing has touched it/triggered it. 

I physically inspected it, and both pieces are attached, seem to be working, and millimeters within each other. It’s not near a heat source; and the sun really isn’t a problem, so no real reason for the issues. 

Thoughts on what could be the issue/how to resolve it?

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1 year ago

@theletterc Is the door that your Entry Sensor is placed on made of metal? If either piece of the Entry Sensor is placed on a metallic surface, it can demagnetize the sensor and cause it to read incorrect open/closed states, which could have been the reason for these false alarms. If the sensor is on metal, I would recommend placing a buffer between it and the door - this can be anything like a piece of cardboard, velcro, or an extra layer of adhesive. 

If the sensor is not on a metal surface, there may be an issue with the device itself. In that case, I would recommend connecting with our Support team as we may need to replace it. 

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