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Tuesday, March 31st, 2020 7:15 PM

Entry Delay

Well here we go. I have had my AWAY mode entry delay set to 5 seconds for over 2+ years. As you know 30 seconds AWAY entry delay can only be lowered by SS not by the consumer. I did this with a call to SS 2+ years ago and it has been set to 5 seconds till today. I check my status every day and today I found the AWAY delay set to 4 minutes !!!! I called SS and after trying to explain asked for a supervisor. Supervisor called back saying they have never heard of the AWAY entry delay ever being set to lower than 30 seconds. Explained to them again a SS supervisor 2+ yrs ago set the delay to 5 seconds. They said there is no way they can do that. Explained I can show them other people who have contacted SS and have made the same request and it was granted. This is either a policy change at SS and they are not granting these request as the industry standard for AWAY delay is 30 seconds across the industry. Am I to assume that all accounts that had a less than 30 sec setting got changed back to 30 sec?

263 Messages

4 years ago

So a second call from SS and told yes away entry can be lowered below 30 seconds which mine has been for over 2 yrs. It has been set to 5 seconds. So now that I changed the iPhone app away entry time from the 4 minutes that it mysteriously got set to I changed it to 30 seconds. SS then stated they would set it to 5 seconds. When they did the keypad and online account showed it was set to 5 seconds. The iPhone app went from 30 seconds back to 4 minutes. There is definitely a programming issue at SS. This situation has just started in the last couple days.

42 Messages

4 years ago

I've got the same thing happening.  Started yesterday.  Had been set lower than 30 sec for the last two years.  iPhone app showed 4 minutes.   I lowered it to 30 seconds.   I'll call support in a couple of days to see it the issue has been resolved.

263 Messages

4 years ago

As of April 2nd 2020 it has not been fixed. I am dealing with an individual at SS that is advising their engineering department. I suggest you call and ask for a supervisor otherwise you are wasting your time.

43 Messages

4 years ago

I was wondering why you wish a five second delay?

263 Messages

4 years ago

The delay is the amount of time after system is tripped before the base sends signal to monitoring. So a 30 second delay would allow someone to be in home 30 seconds before signal is sent to monitoring. Do not confuse Instant Trigger setting to instantly send a signal to monitoring it does not. Instant Trigger only activates the base and or auxiliary siren. So a system set to 30 second delay and all sensors set to instant trigger the sequence would be, door open instant trigger sounds base and or auxiliary siren and while siren is blaring the system counts down 30 seconds then sends signal to monitoring. So if I'm away trying to minimize (5 seconds) the amount of time someone would have in home before monitoring is notified. SS if my understanding of system operation is incorrect please correct.

29 Messages

4 years ago

"Instant Trigger" will result in the alarm instantly sounding when tripped while armed (with no entry delay). Monitoring will call!

Entry sensors set to "delay" should only be those near a keypad and would give you "x" amount of time to disarm prior to monitoring being notified.

263 Messages

4 years ago

Understand the wording "Instant Trigger will SOUND the alarm" Alarm being the built in siren in the base and/or an auxiliary siren if you have one. The Instant Trigger option is so if your in your home as an example and system is in Home mode and an intruder enters home instead of letting them walk around for lets say 30 seconds while your sleeping or for what ever delay time you have set the alarm SOUNDS instantly that being the siren to personally notify you someone has tripped a sensor . And in this scenario monitoring still wouldn't be notified/take action until your countdown time is complete. That's why it is important to have your base hidden the light ring turned off and the siren turned off. Buy an auxiliary siren that way you don't draw any attention to the base unit the brains of the system.   Instant Trigger does not override your set time delay to notify monitoring/monitoring taking action.

1.3K Messages

4 years ago

Instant trigger WILL instantly sound the alarm and instantly send the notification to monitoring BUT it has to be the first sensor tripped to do that.

The only time an instant trigger sensor does not instantly trigger alarm/instantly notify monitoring is if a non-instant trigger sensor is tripped first. Then, the countdown occurs because instant trigger will not override a countdown that has already started.

263 Messages

4 years ago

I suggest everyone believe what ever they want on how their system operates. Don't put your trust in Customers Service call takers to explain or for that matter some supervisors. As for the past two years I have had my Away Entry delay set/bypassed by SS to 5 seconds until this glitch happened last week. And when I called about it and asked for a supervisor the supervisor told me it absolutely could not be set to anything less than 30 seconds. She tried and could not do it. I then emailed a supervisor that I have been dealing with on a recent video camera problem and he stated yes it can be done. He had my system set to 5 seconds right away but the glitch with the iPhone app when set at 5 seconds continued. He turned it over to engineering to have them look into it. I suggest you set your Away to 30 seconds  activate a sensor that is set to instant trigger and see when you are called.

1.3K Messages

Your comments about instant trigger are incorrect and misleading with mixed subject matter.

What I said in my previous post is how it works.

I suspect what part confuses you is the 20-30 second grace period given by monitoring to cancel a triggered alarm before they call you. That is a separate matter from the SimpliSafe entry delay or instant trigger.

If you have 30 second entry delay and a non-instant trigger sensor trips the alarm, it could be upwards of a minute or so before monitoring calls. First, the entry delay timer has to count down so the alarm triggers, then you have 20-30 second grace period from the monitoring service (provided you don't cancel from the keypad in that time), then they will call.

If you have only instant trigger, you still have the 20-30 second monitoring service grace period to cancel the alarm before they call.

263 Messages

4 years ago

I apologize if I am misinforming anyone. I am only repeating how SS explained it to me. That instant trigger does not instantly notify monitoring it only notifies the residents of a sensor trip by in your words Sounding the alarm which is the siren. If an intruder can find the base remove power and batteries before the delay countdown even though a sensor set to instant trigger was tripped no signal sent to monitoring. That's why SS had to change their advertisement for the new SS3 when it first came out. They stated it didn't matter if an intruder smashes the keypad or the base monitoring will still be notified. About 3 to 4 weeks later they removed the base from their ad. Because of what I am stating. Now if SS would like to step in on this and correct so we know for sure that's fine with me. And making sure they get it right because there are liabilities involved in their statement if made.

1.3K Messages

Instant trigger notifies monitoring instantly...as instantly as the alarm sounds. When the alarm sounds notification is/has been sent to monitoring.

The only time instant trigger does not notify monitoring instantly is if a non-instant trigger has first started an entry delay countdown.

I just set the alarm and activated an instant trigger sensor. The alarm went off instantly and within 1 or 2 seconds I received a push notification of an alarm triggered and a red alarm triggered entry in the timeline. That means a notification WAS sent to monitoring. If there was still a countdown going on neither of those two would have occurred until the countdown had completed.

263 Messages

4 years ago

A push notification from a SS server doesn't mean the base has sent the alarm signal to COPS monitoring. The notification you received is to allow you to disarm before countdown is completed. If not canceled before countdown is complete then the signal is sent. Again read the description of "Instant Trigger' it will SOUND the alarm instantly on a sensor that is set to instant trigger and is tripped verses a sensor not set to instant trigger that is tripped will not SOUND the alarm till after the countdown. It never has stated it instantly sends a signal to monitoring. That's why they had to change their claim if the keypad or base is destroyed the signal will be sent. Changing back to just the keypad. We can continue to disagree be safe.

1.3K Messages

Once the alarm sounds a notification has been sent to monitoring. End of story.

Despite SS sending an instant notice to monitoring from an instant alert sensor, monitoring does not call for 20-30 seconds to give you a chance to cancel a false alarm. But, once again, that false alarm grace period has nothing in itself to do with the amount of entry delay set in the SS system. Between those two is your misunderstanding.

It is very simple.

With an instant trigger sensor tripped, you will get a call from monitoring sometime after 20-30 seconds false alarm grace period has elapsed.

If non instant trigger sensor is tripped and you have 30 second entry delay set then monitoring won't call for at least 50 to 60 seconds (30 seconds entry delay + 20-30 seconds false alarm grace period).

263 Messages

4 years ago

That's your story no need to be nasty about it. I'd prefer to hear it from SS as maybe the process has changed  since it was described to me over two years ago.

263 Messages

4 years ago

Debate over believe what you feel is right.

1.3K Messages

4 years ago

It's not my story, it's the way it works.

They had to change their story on smash-proof base because if the base is smashed before the SS entry delay completes it will not send the monitoring notification.

But, that doesn't apply to instant trigger because there is no entry delay for instant trigger. The notice is sent immediately.

Here is an old post from a SimpliSafe rep -

On May 21st, 2013 Ryan K says:
@ joeizme
Thanks for posting! The Instant Trigger option does not mean an immediate dispatch without verification. The Instant Trigger sets that specific sensor to trigger the alarm and send the signal to the Monitoring service instantly, rather than following the Entry Delay countdown you have set for the system. The Monitoring service must make at least one phone call to the alarm user to verify if it is a false alarm or not. The only alarm that the Monitoring service will bypass the verification call for, is a Duress signal, which is generated by a Duress PIN or a stand-alone Panic button set to silent.
Ryan K.
SimpliSafe Home Security

1.3K Messages

4 years ago

The words of a SS rep are there in black and white so to speak. It's a direct quote. I added the bold to be sure it's extra clear.

Here it is again...

On May 21st, 2013 Ryan K says:
@ joeizme
Thanks for posting! The Instant Trigger option does not mean an immediate dispatch without verification. The Instant Trigger sets that specific sensor to trigger the alarm and send the signal to the Monitoring service instantly, rather than following the Entry Delay countdown you have set for the system. The Monitoring service must make at least one phone call to the alarm user to verify if it is a false alarm or not. The only alarm that the Monitoring service will bypass the verification call for, is a Duress signal, which is generated by a Duress PIN or a stand-alone Panic button set to silent.
Ryan K.
SimpliSafe Home Security
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