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Thursday, April 21st, 2022 12:47 AM

Disappointed newbie (multiple sensor error issue)

Installed SS three days ago, and already discovering that SS isn’t living up to the hype.

Aside from the one intermittently offline entry sensor, I just discovered, and confirmed w tech support, that the key pad information as to what entry sensors are open is incomplete.

Currently, the key pad reports 2 open sensors while the app - ios and web - shows 8 open and one offline.

Does anyone have any words of wisdom of how to deal w the discrepancy, keeping in mind that not everyone that arms and disarms the system has access to the app.

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2 years ago

Hi @Safen,

I'm double-checking with our engineers, but if I recall, the Keypad should be displaying however many errors the Base Station has on record right now. Of course, the Keypad connects with your Base Station wirelessly as well, so if there's an issue affecting so many of your sensors, perhaps your Keypad is also affected.

Speaking of, it sounds like you've already been working with our Support team. Were you able to get those offline sensors resolved? We do have a Help Center page that can take you through the basics.

10 Messages

@davey_d​, in my system, there’s only one error: the offline entry sensor. Tech support has sent me a replacement sensor. We’ll see if that helps. 

The more confusing situation is that the open/closed status reflected by on the keypad doesn’t always reflect what I know to be true or the status in the base station.

Last evening, after pushing the keypad screen and seeing that it wasn’t reporting any open sensors or errors, I pressed the Away button. Immediately, the base station announced it had set the alarm and warned that there were open sensors. The sensors that were open, had been open for several hours. Clearly, the keypad info wasn’t reflecting the status in the base station.

The distance between the keypad and the base is about 10 feet with no obstructions between them.

From my perspective, I cannot trust the keypad info. Consequently, that forces anyone setting the alarm from the keypad to walk around my house and check all 28 sensors when the base warns there are open sensors because the warning doesn’t tell you which sensors or, at least, how many are open.

Sadly, my first impression of the SimpliSafe product is that it’s not simple. The safe part, which is the most critical, remains to be seen.

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