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Saturday, February 22nd, 2020 7:06 AM

Confusing entry/exit on Home and Away

I've been reading this forum about entry and exit, but I'm still confused. What is entry and exit?  What's the delay? How does the system know if someone's going in/out? What happens if I go out through the front door but come back through back door?
Also, a little confused about HOME mode. I understand that AWAY mode is when no one's home. Intuitively HOME mode is when someone's home, but it arms the system. Is someone else supposed to stand by the keypad to un-arm the system when someone needs to go out without switching it to AWAY mode?

I have a few scenarios if you could advise, as well as some general questions.

1) I have entry sensors on both the front door and back door. The front door also has the smart lock. The keypad is by the front door. During the day, my family members go in and out of the house all the time using both doors. Due to the above confusion, I just have the system OFF during the day (I've accidentally triggered the system and got a call from simplysafe.) Should it be just OFF? or can I configure HOME mode somehow?

2) The smart lock on front door seems to turn off the system when entring from outside (Smart lock uses same PIN as keypad). Is it supposed to be this way?

3) One of my family members works night shift and may return home anywhere between 2am-8am depending on her shift. At night, we set the system to "HOME" I guess when she comes home using the front door smart lock, the system turns off and nothing happens...but since I don't know about (2), not sure this is supposed to happen.

4) To get to the backyard, I need to go through the back door, which has an entry sensor. The keypad is on the other side of the house. What happens if I get out through the back door but don't return to the house for hours doing yard work, etc? What mode the system should be in so the alarm doesn't get triggered?

5) After accidentally triggering the system, I put both entry sensors on "disabled" during HOME mode. It still makes sounds when I open/close doors on HOME mode. Is that normal? Also, it seems that I shouldn't disable the entry sensors, but I'm so confused and don't know what to do with it.

6) Is there something that can open the smart lock remotely so I can open the front door in the car before hauling bags of groceries and not drop half of it to punch in the code? It seems that keyfob does not. Would Google Assistant do it?

7) When I'm working in the backyard, I sometimes have to keep the back door open for a while. What setting should this be? The door has non-SS keypad lock on it that automatically locks when the door closes, so I would like to keep it open instead of open and closing it multiple times.

8) as I mentioned, I have multiple family members. Is there a way to share the system without putting my ID and password on all their phones?

PS: Sorry for rambling. I hadn't had home security before SS.
PPS: Sorry if this has already been answered. The forum is hard to navigate...



6K Messages

5 years ago

As you said a long post but it is very detailed. Thank you for that effort as many will ask a question and not provide enough detail.

I would like to suggest the following, and do apologize up front for trying to keep it brief and simple (mostly to keep me straight!).

For our home, we have away set up with all motions active on all levels: basement, first floor and 2nd floor. For home, only the 2nd floor are off where all of the bedrooms are located.  Due to the delay necessary to enter on away, our kitchen door is set to only a 20 second entry delay; for home entry and exit is 0. (Note, we don't have someone coming home at 2 or 3 am from work. Our configuration works well for us and how we live.

For your scenario, recommend the same 0/0 exit entry settings but allow anyone in your family, including your daughter, to access the phone app and just turn the entire system off. She can then easily unlock the front door, enter, close it by hand and, once ready, arm the system again.

I know this may not be a perfect fit but could be the easiest to address it. Finally, you can call support, ask them to read your post and then make suggestions.  Confident others will respond here in this thread and offer better suggestions. Good luck.

1K Messages

5 years ago

Also you might want to get a second keypad for the back door as well, we have one in our master bedroom and by the front door so if you have one by the back door and its armed you can disarm go out back, come back in and arm from back
Oh and do what captain said get ss to read this for you and see if they can answer all of it for you.

1 Message

2 years ago

So, in other words... turn the alarm off while working/ playing outside? Hmmm

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