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Monday, August 9th, 2021 6:01 AM

Accessing sensors event log

I've recently installed a new Simplisafe system and subscribed to an Interactive plan. I'm now trying to figure out if there is a functionality in the application to see the full activity log from all of the sensors (well, mainly I'm interested in Entry and Motion sensors). Here is what I've observed so far:

  1. If a sensor is "disabled" in the "Off" system state, I'm not seeing any activity logs from it in the Timeline. Applies to both Motion and Entry sensors.

  2. If I set a sensor to "silent alert" in the "Off" system state I'm seeing events from the Entry sensors, but not from the Motion ones.

  3. Also, the "silent alert" for an Entry sensor only reports "entry sensor opened" event, but not "entry sensor closed".

This all is quite stupid, really. Obviously, all events from all sensors are reported to the base station. Am I missing some straightforward way of accessing those logs without all those tricks?



6.2K Messages

3 years ago

@ s.skrobotov I had to read your post twice to make sure I wasn't missing something (still could be).  Yes, a secret alert will log in the timeline, where "disabled" will not.  That said, if you look in the app or dashboard at the website of sensor listing, it will show the status of all sensors (open, closed or an issue). Additionally, if you arm your system, you will get a message that a sensor is open and will be armed when it is closed.  Pro's/cons have been discussed extensively and a google site search can let you read the threads and posts if you want.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

3 years ago

Hi s.skrobotov,

To clarify, the Base Station actively sends only three types of signals to the event log:

  1. Actual alarm triggers
  2. Activity - arms and disarms
    Errors - including failed check-ins, jamming, and battery

In terms of alarm signals for Entry, Motion, and Glassbreak Sensors: only Secret Alerts are available in Off Mode. So if the system is Off (disarmed), the Base Station will send only Secret Alert signals, and not anything else from these sensors.

Separately, our server will request updates on the system's current state - regularly on its on, and whenever you request it from the SimpliSafe app. The "closed" state of Entry Sensors is sent at that time, and not immediately after the sensor is actually closed.


2 Messages

@davey_d​ this is an unacceptable way for a "security" system to function.  An owner/user should be able to browse ALL activity for any given time. Not necessarily 6 months to a year back, but reasonably distant past activity (i.e. Front entryway open, Front entryway closed, etc.). Any reasonable security system would provide this information.  Simplisafe needs to, and can do, better! 


1 Message

Agreed, I just heard what sounded like our door open and I can’t check to see if that actually happened or not. Now I’m just sitting in my bed wondering if someone is in my house. All because I forgot to arm my system

1 Message

I agree with Will. I came home after a few hours away, and noticed my backdoor was unlocked the whole time. I hadn't set the alarm and I went to check the timeline to see if the backdoor had been opened during the time I was gone, and SURPRISE there's no log in the timeline view. Someone could have come inside and had been waiting for mem and I'd have no way of knowing.... I do not feel safe with simplisafe, and am now researching other alarm systems that provide this feature.

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