‎Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Flashing Yellow During Setup | SimpliSafe Support Home

Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Flashing Yellow During Setup


A flashing yellow light during the setup of your Outdoor Camera indicates that the camera has successfully connected to Wi-Fi, but is having trouble reaching the SimpliSafe® servers.

This issue can occur for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • A firewall setting on your router is blocking access to SimpliSafe®

  • You may have certain ports blocked on your network that SimpliSafe® uses 

    • Outdoor Camera requires port 8890 to be open

  • A temporary connectivity issue with the SimpliSafe® servers

The best option would be to first diagnose the issue locally on your network, then try setting up your camera again. If you still run into the same problem during setup, first contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) for additional troubleshooting. If you require additional support after working with your ISP, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team directly.