‎How can I Tell if an Agent is Viewing a Camera Feed for SimpliSafe® Active Guard Outdoor Protection? | SimpliSafe Support Home

How can I Tell if an Agent is Viewing a Camera Feed for SimpliSafe® Active Guard Outdoor Protection?


SimpliSafe® Active Guard Outdoor Protection includes agent intervention when an unknown person is on your property. If an expert monitoring agent is actively viewing a camera event, you’ll see the event status read Agent Verifying in the Timeline. Additionally, your Outdoor Security Camera Series 2 will flash amber, signifying that an agent is actively viewing the feed or engaging with an unknown individual. 

Once the event has been resolved by the agent, you’ll see a note in that same spot that reads Agent Handled if the event was deemed by the agent to be a Person on Property event, or No Issues Observed if the event was a Common Activity Event. You may receive push notifications sent by the SimpliSafe® Mobile App, emails, or phone calls depending on the type of event that occurs and what agent intervention is needed with it.