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Keypad Batteries Are Dying Too Quickly


The Keypad takes four (4) AA batteries and they are expected to last 8-12 months, depending on your usage and placement.

If you find that your batteries are not lasting nearly as long as that, there are a few steps you can take to optimize your Keypad’s performance.

First, you’ll want to make sure that you replace the batteries with fresh ones from any retailer or store. When doing so, we strongly recommend that you use standard AA batteries and not rechargeable ones. 

Next, if your batteries are still draining quickly you’ll want to enable power saving mode. Power saving mode will turn off the proximity sensor in the Keypad that tells it to automatically light up when a person gets close to it. When power saving mode is enabled, the Keypad will only light up when a button is pressed.

To enable power saving mode:

  1. Press Menu on the Keypad

  2. Enter your Master PIN

  3. Select Devices

  4. Select your Keypad

  5. Choose Power Savings

  6. Use the Keypad's arrow to toggle between OFF and ON