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September 17th, 2023

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replied to a comment on 's post

7 days ago

I'm sure this has been brought up, but why does SimpliSafe not provide image previews with the camera notifications? I have the outdoor camera and an indoor camera, both are great at sending notifications when triggered, but neither show an image preview of what it saw. Either a static image, or a g

Hope your dev team realizes before everyone starts moving away from simplisafe. This is fast pace era people complaining for more than two years and simplisafe is still keeping these basic features in safebox.

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7 days ago

Every major video doorbell/home security camera app (Nest/Wyze etc) have proper thumbnails in their notifications. SimpliSafe delivers notifications without any thumbnails, and clicking on it takes a while ("Processing video" or worse, some error). T

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7 days ago

Agreed! This is something I wish I would have realized before purchasing the system. It truly needs to be an added feature in the immediate future. It makes a massive difference in how quickly you can respond to what is going on outside. If someone r

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7 days ago

Honestly I really wish I would have done more research on their product before jumping in. Their cameras and their app are lacking so much. I've never had a doorbell give me more notifications about cars outside of where I asked it to detect than it

replied to a comment on 's post

7 days ago

I'm sure this has been brought up, but why does SimpliSafe not provide image previews with the camera notifications? I have the outdoor camera and an indoor camera, both are great at sending notifications when triggered, but neither show an image preview of what it saw. Either a static image, or a g

@emily_s​ your dev team is nextgen, it's been a year and people complaining even after more than 2 years

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7 days ago

even my cheapie Blink cameras offer snapshots and thumbnails

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7 days ago

I'm sure this has been brought up, but why does SimpliSafe not provide image previews with the camera notifications? I have the outdoor camera and an indoor camera, both are great at sending notifications when triggered, but neither show an image preview of what it saw. Either a static image, or a g

replied to a comment on 's post

7 days ago

I'm sure this has been brought up, but why does SimpliSafe not provide image previews with the camera notifications? I have the outdoor camera and an indoor camera, both are great at sending notifications when triggered, but neither show an image preview of what it saw. Either a static image, or a g

@davey_d​ this idea post is two years old, and simplesafe keeping these ideas in safe box? I pay for top monthly subscriptions but your features always are in bottom when compared to others. I have double subscriptions and soon will be giving away s

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10 months ago

This just happened to me. It was 1:30 AM. I’m getting rid of this crap because that’s completely unacceptable.

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10 months ago

I — and likely several of my neighbors — was just awoken by one of my glassbreak sensors (located in the daylight basement) activating a full alarm. I surveyed the house, saw nothing, disarmed the alarm — and continued to find nothing. No window, bulb, glass, anything.Then I took a closer look at my