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June 1st, 2023

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commented on 's post

1 year ago

Is there any plan to create a landscape mode for iPad IOS? This would be a very useful update. Seems way overdue.

This was requested at least 3 years ago. What is taking so long SimpliSafe?

followed 's post

1 year ago

Is there any plan to create a landscape mode for iPad IOS? This would be a very useful update. Seems way overdue.

replied to a comment on 's post

1 year ago

Is there any plan to create a landscape mode for iPad IOS? This would be a very useful update. Seems way overdue.

This was first requested 3years ago that I can find. Still no landscape on the iPad. Really SimpliSafe!!!

followed 's post

2 years ago

Hello, I just spotted a bug with the schedule arming which you may or not be aware of. If you change the time of arming and the time of disarming. Example. Armed at 23:30 and disarmed at 08:00 And you changed this to the following times... Armed at 23:00 and disarmed at 07:00 it will be

commented on 's post

2 years ago

Hello, I just spotted a bug with the schedule arming which you may or not be aware of. If you change the time of arming and the time of disarming. Example. Armed at 23:30 and disarmed at 08:00 And you changed this to the following times... Armed at 23:00 and disarmed at 07:00 it will be

We’re having a similar issue. We’re traveling and set the system in away mode and turned the scheduled arming off. We use scheduled arming for putting the system in home mode at night.  But even with the schedule off, it’s still actively changi

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June 1, 2023