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May 17th, 2023

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1 year ago

Still waiting for SimpliSafe to drop an update that would force the other alarms into an "alarm state" when one is triggered...this is a life safety hazard. Still waiting....Thanks

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2 years ago

@emily_s​ Any update on this? 3 months seems like a long time to get a software update for this important feature. I was ready to purchase 3 of these but now I'm on hold. Thanks

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2 years ago

I just hopped on Simplisafe (best system on the market by far) to see if there was a way to interconnect my detectors. In my opinion, this is going to be the standard by state law in most states before the sale of your house and these types of detec

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2 years ago

The Problem: When a smoke or CO alarm head goes into the alarm state, it will sound its internal alarm, and alert the base station. This sets the base station off, and starts the process with SimpliSafe Monitoring. However, it does not alert any other heads in the home. This creates major problems w

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2 years ago

The Problem: When a smoke or CO alarm head goes into the alarm state, it will sound its internal alarm, and alert the base station. This sets the base station off, and starts the process with SimpliSafe Monitoring. However, it does not alert any other heads in the home. This creates major problems w

I'm really surprised to learn that they aren't interconnected. This is a huge liability and violation of many county codes. This should be top of Simplisafes development priority.

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2 years ago

My town requires wireless smoke detectors to be interconnected (as an alternative to hardwiring for older houses). I thought Simplisafe met this requirement, but this post leads me to believe it does not. I just bought 10 smoke alarms from you and th

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2 years ago

Yes, just learned this evening after false alarm in our youngest child’s bedroom upstairs. Humidifier set off alarm and we had all just fallen asleep.  I heard alarm and jumped out of bed to run upstairs.  Fortunately it was a false alarm.

joined community.

May 17, 2023