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March 16th, 2023

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Head of household, retired and love ice hockey

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commented on 's post

1 year ago

The Problem: When a smoke or CO alarm head goes into the alarm state, it will sound its internal alarm, and alert the base station. This sets the base station off, and starts the process with SimpliSafe Monitoring. However, it does not alert any other heads in the home. This creates major problems w

Davey D and simplisafe, you simply don't get it or unfortunately you do, but deflect, that your smoke detectors do not meet code in the majority of regions of residential housing. They do not interconnect and therefore deemed not safe in these region

followed 's post

2 years ago

The Problem: When a smoke or CO alarm head goes into the alarm state, it will sound its internal alarm, and alert the base station. This sets the base station off, and starts the process with SimpliSafe Monitoring. However, it does not alert any other heads in the home. This creates major problems w

replied to a comment on 's post

2 years ago

The Problem: When a smoke or CO alarm head goes into the alarm state, it will sound its internal alarm, and alert the base station. This sets the base station off, and starts the process with SimpliSafe Monitoring. However, it does not alert any other heads in the home. This creates major problems w

I just hopped on Simplisafe (best system on the market by far) to see if there was a way to interconnect my detectors. In my opinion, this is going to be the standard by state law in most states before the sale of your house and these types of detec

joined community.

March 16, 2023