‎Notification Time Schedule for Outdoor Camera | SimpliSafe Support Home

4 Messages

Thursday, May 26th, 2022 2:45 PM


Notification Time Schedule for Outdoor Camera

My Camera watches my driveway. I get many notifications (videos) all day long for normal driveway movement (cars-deliveries-taking out garbage). I would like a Time per Day schedule to set Notifications. Meaning, Notifications ON from Monday 10pm to Tuesday 8am. Setting up a Time based Daily Schedule will save battery life and Simplisafe from saving unwanted videos.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Schedule motion detection on Outdoor Cameras

7 Messages

3 years ago

Add one vote for a "Do Not Disturb" scheduling ability.


EG: I can open Simplisafe app, and chose a 15, 30, or 60 minute time frame to disable motion sensors.

The Do Not Disturb app I reference, has a NOW feature that will shut off my phone for preset amounts of time and even adds them up if you click multiple times. EG: I click the 15 min 3 times and it shuts my phone off for 45 minutes.

11 Messages

2 years ago

This is a wonderful idea.  For me, it's the (rather large) pool in the back.  My weekly cleaning takes a few hours and the back yard camera is always catching video, draining the battery much quicker than the front door camera.  Then there is acceptable regular pool activity that is captured as well.

Suggestion would be to have a deactivation time/window: ignore this camera from, say, 8 am to 7 pm local time daily.  Maybe even through in weekdays/weekends.  Or have a monitoring window of sunset to sunrise.  Of course, always having the option to watch live on the app.

Thanks in advance.

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