8 Messages
Unable to control system remotely
This just happened to me yesterday. Cottage smoke detector was triggered and no way to turn it off...clicking on the OFF option in the app does nothing...just spins for 10 minutes and goes back to Alarm....clearly a bug in the app.
Edit: cottage is about 400 miles from the city so not driving up just to reset it. It'll have to wait until Nov 3 when I was planning on heading up anyway...unless you fix the app.
8 Messages
1 year ago
I guess SS aren't very active in their forum. What a pain...my alarm is still going off after 3 days and still can't shut it off via the app. Clearly a bug in the app or base station firmware....either way, it's a real pain
8 Messages
1 year ago
Ok, I think this is a server side issue vs buggy app or bad base station firmware...and I THINK they may be working on resolving based on new error message appearing in the app when attempting to stop the alarm...says it can't connect to the base station due to server connection error
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
1 year ago
Hi @Dmarien ,
Apologies on the delay in our response. We have not had any reports of server-side outages over the past week that would affect controlling your system remotely. So there might be an issue with the connection between your Base Station at the location and the service - either through the WiFi or built-in cell*.
Unfortunately we're limited in how we can troubleshoot unless you're actually at the location, as we'd want to investigate the WiFi connection, and possibly move the Base Station around to different spots for better reception. I suggest that in the coming week, when you're able to get there, you contact our Support team. We can help you through the troubleshooting step by step.
Just so you know though, disarming the system wouldn't stop a fire-type alarm. For as long as the detector is actually detecting something, it will keep triggering. Commonly, false alarms are triggered by dust, steam, or other particles that are able to get into the chamber. So it might be a good idea to clean your Smoke Detector with a vacuum when you're there as well!
* As a reminder, cellular connectivity for the Base Station requires an active Monitoring Plan.
8 Messages
1 year ago
It's likely dust or a bug in one of the smoke detectors and that's fine. My issue is that you should be able to shut the alarm off remotely via the app. As for server errors I see messages that MIGHT suggest the issue is on SS's end - I would attach screenshots but I don't see the option to attach in this forum. My Internet is always up and running and is 500 up and 500 down...and the wifi within the cottage is nothing short of brilliant. We've had the internet/wifi in place for nearly 3 years and SS only in place for 3 months. Issue is definitely with SS...either server side or firmware or the app.
8 Messages
1 year ago
C'mon SS...get this done please. Ridiculous you can't make this happen. Absolutely no reason to not be able to reset the system...
2 Messages
10 months ago
So frustrated that this is still an issue. My fire alarm just went off (false alarm) and there is no way to turn it off? We have had to go round every single device…the app didn’t work….why haven’t you fixed this yet???