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Thursday, January 2nd, 2020 4:06 PM

Excellent SS Customer Support

We are now winding down the "dark" annual period of dismal SS support as we see New Years Day fading in the rear view mirror. How do I know? My third and final SS3 Co sensor gave up the ghost a few days ago and, after doing the reset drill twice, called into SS Support for a replacement.

The new phone system had hung up me the day before so tried again at 9:40am central.  This time the phone system was kind, gave me an estimated 15 minute hold time and was spot on. Jessica merrily answered my call, professionally and efficient (just like someone from the NY metro area like it). Did I say she was terrific? She promised to call me back if we were disconnected, took my info and ordered the replacement. Sent me the return label while I was on the phone to confirm I got it (new process, like it) and got my confirmation it shipped , as confirmed with USPS two days later.

If this is the same Jessica that was on the now "missing" online chat, please promote her! Even if not, promote both of them then, as I always appreciate, and acknowledge, world class service.

I know, many us have experienced the unbelievably bad things this holiday season, but take a minute if you had the opposite experience and post it in this thread. To say again "thank you Jessica" or "thank you Jessicas" I do appreciate your effort and service provided.

Chad, Christian, Melina, Will....sorry, still lumps of coal for all you.

And of course, to all,  "Live long and prosper" in the new year.
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