‎Sensor Voice Prompts | SimpliSafe Support Home

Friday, March 5th, 2021 8:31 PM


Sensor Voice Prompts

I'm new to the Simplisafe so if this has been asked I apologize. Instead of just a chime alert when the system is off and a sensor is opened, how about an option to have a voice alert such as "Front Door" when that sensor it opened. I would find this useful especially on doors.

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Base Station announce sensor by name

2.2K Messages

4 years ago

Been asked for for years.  No indication if or when they will do it.

4 Messages

Interesting, given that the system in "Test Mode" announces the name of each sensor as its tested. It would seen that it would be a simple programming change to make that happen. Thanks for the update.

2.2K Messages

4 years ago

There are three possibilities:

1) it is not a simple programming change.  Only those who are quite familiar with the hardware and software can determine how simple it is and whether it is economically practical to do it.

2) Their development team or process has a hole in it which this keeps slipping through

3) It does not fit with the design of the original Harvard engineer (or was it Yale) and they won't go against that.



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

SInce I don't use any voice prompts now or over the past 9 years, I don't have a horse in this race, but just wanted to say, seven, it was Harvard. Hey, look at the bright side, at least it wasn't Notre Dame!

7 Messages

4 years ago

I wholeheartedly second that request, I'm currently testing two systems simultaneously, Cove and Simplisafe. There are things I like more about one system vs. the other, but to the point of this thread, one of the things I like about Cove is that it announces the entry sensor that is opened. I have 3 doors alarmed (front, back, and basement) as well as several windows, so I agree with the OP that this functionality would be very useful, particularly as I think about the best way to protect my wife and two children during a break-in while we're home. By the way, I know what some of you will think, "maybe just call 911 and let them do their job?", and I totally agree with that statement and will definitely do that. But I'm also a U.S. Marine, so I'm definitely not going down without a fight. Being the dominant player that Simplisafe is in the DIY security systems arena, this feature seems like it would only make many people happy and those who don't want it can just disable it and keep only the chime or nothing.
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