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Wednesday, January 19th, 2022 9:21 PM


Schedule alerts

SimpliSafe is the only security system that doesn't have a feature to schedule alerts by product for a particular time.  Need to be able to turn on and off alerts at specific time and days of the week.  E.g. schedule motion alerts for front door camera M-F, 9pm - 8am.  

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

Outdoor Camera Motion Tied to Alarm System Armed State

Official Response

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion. So it sounds like you're asking specifically about the Outdoor Cam here as well? That is, you only want to be alerted for motion at specific times, rather than all the time like it is currently. I'll forward that to our dev team.


We are in or yard or going in and out during the day. We don’t need it recording the family all day.

Just want to record things that go bump in the night.

8 Messages

@davey_d​  this is a must. I need my motion alerts for outside my business outside hours but to get them going off all day is excessive. Additionally you should be able to turn all camera alerts on and off with one button and not have to do it individually. Arlo has the perfect system for this 

4 Messages


it takes 5 minutes to shut all my cameras off when my family goes outside, which is almost daily. It’s a hassle. 

the real security issue comes when I forget to turn all the cameras motion sensors back on! Which I will likely do several times as the day gets busy and I forget.

I truly wish there could be an easy option to select specific cameras and shut them off for an allotted time. 30 minutes, 1 hour, 4 hours etc. then after the allotted time, the cameras turn back on. Then I know I when I go to sleep, all the cameras will be on, even if I forget to manually do it myself. 

It would be nice, when I walk outside and get a motion notification on my phone, I can click on it and from there select all the cameras or specific ones and time out the cameras for a few hours while I cut the grass or the kids are running around. Please help! 

2 Messages

@davey_d​ this would be very helpful. It makes no sense not to have this option.

14 Messages

3 years ago

all cameras and doorbell

Community Admin


5.6K Messages

3 years ago

Assuming that your Indoor Cams are attached to your main system account, they should already be responding based on your system's armed state - so there's no separate setting for it, where you can set a more specific time, but you would, for example, be able to set whether your cameras are active when you're home, vs when you're away.

But I'll add the Doorbell to that request as well.

2 Messages

2 years ago

Yes please!! I only want motion detected outside business hours. Otherwise it's going off like every couple minutes. Also my indoor cam seems to detect motion, record and send alerts even when the alarm is disarmed.


3 Messages

2 years ago

I'm coming to this late, but I want to add my request to the pile.  I have two outdoor cameras.   I work from home and my wife's retired.

Being able to schedule movement alerts would be fantastic.  During the day she's coming and going with gardening, errands, etc. and I'm in my office getting bombarded with movement detection alerts.

The only solution right now is to turn off motion detection for both cameras every morning, then turn it back on every night.  No, it's not exactly difficult, but sometimes I forget and end up with no camera coverage overnight.

Note that this request for scheduling is independent of the "Off", "Home" or "Away" setting.  I only have Outdoor cameras and am not familiar with how the Indoor camera and Doorbell work with arming status, but others in the thread have addressed their behavior.

3 Messages

2 years ago

Another vote for motion detection scheduling. There needs to be at least a "Turn back on timer"  ie turn back on after 4-6-8 hours etc.

3 Messages

2 years ago

Another vote for scheduled alerts on outdoor and doorbell cameras.  A must have since it unnecessarily wastes battery life, in addition to unwanted alerts.  Thank you!

2 Messages

2 years ago

I would like to see some additional alerts such as door or window left open between certain hours (i.e. 11:00 pm and 6:00 AM) and arm/disarm events during a certain time period such as children arriving home from school.

4 Messages

2 years ago

+1 up vote for this feature. I am still baffled how this large of a security provider is missing a basic feature like this. 

2 Messages

2 years ago

I agree strongly. It's been too often that I don't remember to arm the system at bedtime. We need a feature to be able to arm and disarm at specific times. Every other smart home has that ability.

4 Messages

2 years ago

Outdoor cameras need to have "armed" and "disarmed" schedules.  Not necessarily tied to alerting authorities but being active or inactive.   We're outside every day and those cameras go.off 20 times a minute. It's annoying this basic functionality is missing to a point where I am considering going back to Arlo for outdoor cameras. 

2 years ago

We are in the yard and going in and out all day. We don’t need to be recording that and running down the battery.

Except for the doorbell, we are really only interested in things that go bump in the night.

2 Messages

2 years ago

I agree with all on this post. I just got outdoor cameras and moved from Arlo thinking I would

consolidate. But with kids at home and wife at home with them, I’m bombarded with notifications. 

I’d like to see an independent outdoor camera schedule not tied to the alarm arming and disarming. 

5 Messages

2 years ago

The outdoor cameras are badly in need of a scheduling feature. I currently have six outdoor cameras and two of them are in high traffic areas which causes me to receive over 400+ notifications a day on each of these two cameras. The batteries which are supposed to last 3-6 months are lasting just over a week because of the amount of notifications. I find myself having to manually turn the motion off on these two cameras during the day and turning them back on at night which is pretty annoying.

Most of the other popular camera systems such as Ring, Nest, Blink and the other big names have scheduling so the cameras can be scheduled when to start tracking motion and when to turn off. This is a major feature that Simplisafe really needs to add.

Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation originally titled Outdoor Camera Feature Request

2 Messages

2 years ago

You have my vote as well for this scheduled monitoring 👍🏽👍🏽

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