‎Option for lower minimum Entry Delay time | SimpliSafe Support Home

Wednesday, June 30th, 2021 5:54 PM


Option for lower minimum Entry Delay time

The entry minimum time needs to be changed back to 5 or 10 seconds as a option. They've set it to where you have to have a minimum of 30 seconds before the alarm is triggered. A lot can be stolen in 30 seconds (including destroying the base station) plus the time it takes the call center to contact police. I am guessing they did this to reduce the amount of false alarms do to people not getting the code entered in time. But we should not be punished for other peoples inability to turn the alarm off in time. A lot can happen in a extra 30 seconds!!! This is coming from someone who is a investigator and see it all the time.

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Option for lower minimum Entry Delay time

113 Messages

4 years ago

On my SS2 system, the entry delay depends on which mode the system is armed in- Away has a minimum 30 seconds while Home can be set much shorter.  Concerns over destroying the base station is why you don't have it out in the open or (in my opinion) advertise what brand of system you are using.  
However, I agree that a user should be able to lower the time if they choose.  The default can be set to 30 seconds in Away mode with the option to lower it.   I guess if you were coming home and entered a door on the opposite side of the house from the keypad then the extra time could help.  But again that's user preference.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

4 years ago

Right, currently the minimum for Entry Delay in Away Mode is 30 seconds - and that hasn't changed since launched.

But you do also have the option of setting individual sensors to Instant Trigger (which we would recommend for every window or door except your main entrance). That will bypass the countdown entirely, so you'd get an immediate alarm.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security
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