3 Messages
Automatic Thermostat
SimpliSafe needs to develop an automatic "smart" home thermostats or provide integration to 3rd party thermostats. I had this capability (through Rently) when our condo was rented
3 Messages
SimpliSafe needs to develop an automatic "smart" home thermostats or provide integration to 3rd party thermostats. I had this capability (through Rently) when our condo was rented
6.2K Messages
2 months ago
@pm11a You can read more about integration or IoT devices and Simplisafe in the community (and there is a lot of it) using the search tool in the community, but, in general, you are out of luck. SS is mostly a closed system, which has it good and bad points. Security is one of the good points. Again, you can read all about it using the search tool.