6.3K Messages
Mother Nature vs Simplisafe SS3 and OD Cameras tonight!
Located in the greater Chicagoland area, the weather forecast is for high winds 25 -40 mph and wind gusts during a band of severe storms from 1 to 3 am with up to 50-70 mph. Even for Chicaagoland, this is a bit extraordinary.
My SS3 system is over 40 devices, including two outdoor cameras (1 series 1 and 1 series 2) that are using the magnetic mount, connected to AC and face due west and due east. Inside four SA cameras and a lot of motion, entry and glass break sensors.
Add together high winds and thunderstorms, should be an interesting night. Will post in the morning (if we have power) how it went!
6.3K Messages
4 days ago
Good morning. Last night storm bands started after midnight coming in from the west and lasted about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Max wind gusts were around 42mph with continuous wind at around 20-25 mph. Status of SS OD cameras and system: normal. Glad to see that, although, I should note winds were mostly coming in due West and may have not had the same results if the wind was from the south, with much more force on the mounts and cameras.
Thumbs up for this round SS. (And Verizon for keeping my 5G FWA broadband up and steady.
For those on the east and south east coasts that still have to go through these, stay safe!