‎"Entry Delay" record outdoor camera as well | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Wednesday, June 7th, 2023 1:23 AM

"Entry Delay" record outdoor camera as well

We had an entry delay trigger off one of our sensors (it was a malfunction) and we got the notification and looked at the recordings. Surprised to see the behavior:

- Entry Delay (its on home or away mode) and it started the countdown, but we only got footage from our doorbell & indoor camera.

- Alarm goes off - We now have outdoor footage as well

Why on entry delay (assuming someone came from outside) would I not have outdoor footage as well? I understand that someone would have had to trigger outdoor camera if it was there, but it would be helpful to have all camera footage like when the alarm goes off.

2 Messages

1 year ago

Hello. Just had this same thing happen. Any idea why it didn’t record outdoor cameras? This is the second time the motion sensor has had a faulty trigger in the middle of the night like this. And I’ve gotten replacement motion sensors once already 

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1 year ago

@shawmichaelr ,

First, to answer the original question, the Outdoor Camera will only record if it actually picks up motion - this is part of how it saves battery life, as the actual recording takes up a lot of power.

But it sounds like you're seeing a different thing, where your Outdoor Camera did pick up motion, but there's no recording?

5 Messages

@davey_d​ asking for a feature request that I can set when entry delay is triggered to also log what is happening on the outdoor cameras. Today I only get the indoor and doorbell.

it will give a sense of security. When I had the entry delay triggered by some sensor issue i manually was checking each camera as to what happened.

2 Messages

@davey_d​ correct. My alarm was in Home mode. The motion sensor inside picked up motion and the alarm countdown started. The 2 indoor cameras and the doorbell started recording. But none of the outdoor cameras started recording 

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5.7K Messages

@shawmichaelr​ so it's not the camera itself that picked up motion, but one of the sensors inside the home, which triggered an alarm, similar to OP's situation with the entry trigger. Gotcha.

All those Outdoor Cameras should definitely have started recording. Have you already tried the troubleshooting steps on our Help Center page? Our Support team can also work through it with you step by step.


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