‎Why Can't I See All of My System Locations in the Mobile App? | SimpliSafe Support Home

Why Can't I See All of My System Locations in the Mobile App?


If you have a SimpliSafe® system at multiple locations, you may notice that you aren’t able to select a location or see all of them within the mobile app. Oftentimes, this is due to the display size of your screen. 

How to Locate All of Your Locations on the Mobile App

  1. Tap the house icon in the upper right corner of the app to open the location menu
    Top of SimpliSafe® mobile app with three-bar navigation on top left, sample location name next it and a house icon for location menu in the upper right corner.

  2. Scroll down in the app, which will allow you to see all of your locations

    1. It may be helpful to scroll on the right side of the screen, directly across from your locations’ addresses 

    The Choose Your Location screen in the SimpliSafe® Mobile App, with an arrow on the right side of the screen displaying where to scroll to find multiple locations on your account.

If you are having trouble scrolling in the locations menu, it may help to adjust the zoom and font size settings on your device. 

How to Adjust the Zoom and Font Size on iOS (iPhone)

  1. Open Settings and navigate to “Display & Brightness” 

  2. Under “Text Size”, use the sliding bar to decrease the size of your text

  3. Next, navigate to “Display Zoom” and select “Default”

  4. After adjusting these settings, force close the SimpliSafe® mobile app and relaunch it

How to Adjust the Zoom and Font Size on Android

  1. Open settings and navigate to “Display”

  2. Under “Font Size and Styles” and “Screen Zoom”, try decreasing the size for both settings

  3. After adjusting these settings, force close the SimpliSafe® mobile app and relaunch it