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January 29th, 2024

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replied to a comment on 's post

1 year ago

The Problem: When a smoke or CO alarm head goes into the alarm state, it will sound its internal alarm, and alert the base station. This sets the base station off, and starts the process with SimpliSafe Monitoring. However, it does not alert any other heads in the home. This creates major problems w

Fortunately for my code requirement's I can do a non-hardwired unit with 10 year replaceable batteries which some units offer. I knew functionality rolling out in a couple of weeks was seemingly not possible, but considering this thread was started a

replied to a comment on 's post

1 year ago

The Problem: When a smoke or CO alarm head goes into the alarm state, it will sound its internal alarm, and alert the base station. This sets the base station off, and starts the process with SimpliSafe Monitoring. However, it does not alert any other heads in the home. This creates major problems w

Any update? Seems like a lot of people are running into this being an issue and the system not meeting a lot of states code requirements.

followed 's post

1 year ago

The Problem: When a smoke or CO alarm head goes into the alarm state, it will sound its internal alarm, and alert the base station. This sets the base station off, and starts the process with SimpliSafe Monitoring. However, it does not alert any other heads in the home. This creates major problems w

commented on 's post

1 year ago

The Problem: When a smoke or CO alarm head goes into the alarm state, it will sound its internal alarm, and alert the base station. This sets the base station off, and starts the process with SimpliSafe Monitoring. However, it does not alert any other heads in the home. This creates major problems w

Any update on this? I am a loyal simplisafe customer of 5 years now and am currently going through a renovation. Code in my state requires interconnection of the alarms and system so they all sound when triggered. I will be having a final inspection

joined community.

January 29, 2024