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October 22nd, 2023

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commented on 's post

1 year ago

​My outdoor camera has stopped providing a live view. It says waking up, then connecting and then it just gets stuck on the launching live view message before telling me it is not connected to the network. It is connected to wi-Fi I’ve reinstalled it and reset it but still no live view. It detects m

followed 's post

1 year ago

​My outdoor camera has stopped providing a live view. It says waking up, then connecting and then it just gets stuck on the launching live view message before telling me it is not connected to the network. It is connected to wi-Fi I’ve reinstalled it and reset it but still no live view. It detects m

commented on 's post

1 year ago

​My outdoor camera has stopped providing a live view. It says waking up, then connecting and then it just gets stuck on the launching live view message before telling me it is not connected to the network. It is connected to wi-Fi I’ve reinstalled it and reset it but still no live view. It detects m

I discovered that your cell phone Hass to be connected to your data on your cell phone and not the Wi-Fi in your house with the same connection as the camera. If the camera is on your home net work, it will not operate on the same network when your c

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October 22, 2023