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August 18th, 2023

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replied to a comment on 's post

5 months ago

I would like to see a longer record time on the outdoor camera. If someone triggers the camera then stays still, the video stops. Then starts up if they move again, sometimes not recording till out of sight.

Looks like a lawsuit to me......Then maybe they will change their recording time limits..... Simplysafe......SimplyNOT......

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8 months ago

I agree with other users. The camera does not record nearly long enough and, though I have it close to my front door and on the highest resolution, the pictures are sadly lacking. I looked for a way to make the time longer and found instructions tha

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8 months ago

I second the opinion. It does not have to be a forced software update, but at least allow people to select if they'd prefer the recording to be longer, like a shutoff delay. Detects movement, stays active 10,20, or 40 seconds longer etc.Almost all ot

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8 months ago

I agree. I have 100/1000 in speeds and I'm definitely close to hub. Full singal strength. Record time stink, not long enough, and even on high sensitivity they delay on triggering motion. 

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8 months ago

It’s time for a long overdue firmware upgrade on the outdoor camera. This issue has been pending resolution for too long. Need longer and continuous recording for beginning of activation to the end of movement activity. Example - Delivery driver

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9 months ago

Do any developers ever look at these posts? I'm really sick of non-answers from what appears to be an AI robot.

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10 months ago

Please enable longer recording times once movement is detected. My recording average 13-17 seconds each.  Someone can be moving within the camera range and it stops recording and starts recording a new clip.  It does not keep recording whi

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10 months ago

@eburdin​ This!! it’s quite annoying to record something for one minute at a time. My log is not only full of one minute recordings, but it takes a little for the video to pop up asking if you want to watch/save/delete it and then the camera has to r

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10 months ago

I would at least like for the recording time to be longer than one minute when I manually make a recording. It’s one thing for the motion to set it off, but if I turn on the camera to record something it’s on purpose and it might be longer than one m

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1 year ago

@emily_s​ Really Emily?  Move my base station closer to the camera?  How do I know when to move the base station in anticipation of the camera activating movement.  And what does that do for the other cameras then?  I would be ru