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August 25th, 2022

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I am a Christian and I believe that God has said, "you must love your neighbor as you love yourself," and, "thou shall not steal," so I am very thankful for Simplisafe and I see them as a blessing from God who hates theft and robbery.

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commented on 's post

1 year ago

When camera motion is detected, I get a notification on my phone that tells me which one of my cameras it was that detected the motion. Why can't the camera timeline in the app also state WHICH camera has recorded the motion? It just states "camera motion detected". Obviously, the system can differ

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1 year ago

When camera motion is detected, I get a notification on my phone that tells me which one of my cameras it was that detected the motion. Why can't the camera timeline in the app also state WHICH camera has recorded the motion? It just states "camera motion detected". Obviously, the system can differ

I uploaded a screenshot below. In my version of the app, it does not say WHICH of my 2 cameras detected the motion.

followed 's post

1 year ago

When camera motion is detected, I get a notification on my phone that tells me which one of my cameras it was that detected the motion. Why can't the camera timeline in the app also state WHICH camera has recorded the motion? It just states "camera motion detected". Obviously, the system can differ

posted a post

April 1, 2024

1 year ago

When camera motion is detected, I get a notification on my phone that tells me which one of my cameras it was that detected the motion. Why can't the camera timeline in the app also state WHICH camera has recorded the motion? It just states "camera motion detected". Obviously, the system can differ

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1 year ago

Camera is inside pointing to entry door, which is clear glass. There are deliveries where the person is in the camera viewfinder, but it doesn't show up on the timeline. Why? An image through the door does not work? My wifi will not pick up a camera outside.Suggestions?

commented on 's post

1 year ago

Camera is inside pointing to entry door, which is clear glass. There are deliveries where the person is in the camera viewfinder, but it doesn't show up on the timeline. Why? An image through the door does not work? My wifi will not pick up a camera outside.Suggestions?

When camera motion is detected, I get a notification on my phone that tells me which one of my cameras it was that detected the motion. Why can't the camera timeline in the app also state WHICH camera has recorded the motion? It just states "camera m

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2 years ago

Hi @melsharb​, The WiFi extender will work with any WiFi devices you have in your home, including your SimpliSafe cameras. A WiFi extender will not help with the range of your sensors (like the Entry Sensor or Motion Sensor) as they communicate t

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2 years ago

When did SimpliSafe start selling Wi-Fi extenders? https://simplisafe.com/wifi-extender Looks like this is a TP-Link product (with an older logo?) and not a SimpliSafe branded product. Is there anything special about this or specific to SimpliSafe versus other Wi-Fi extenders?

commented on 's post

2 years ago

When did SimpliSafe start selling Wi-Fi extenders? https://simplisafe.com/wifi-extender Looks like this is a TP-Link product (with an older logo?) and not a SimpliSafe branded product. Is there anything special about this or specific to SimpliSafe versus other Wi-Fi extenders?

I just contacted Simply Safe customer support. In answer to my question of whether this extender works with all Wi-Fi connected devices, the answer was "no, it only works with the SS cameras". Is that true? If it is a generic extender, wouldn't it w

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July 11, 2023