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July 10th, 2022

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replied to a comment on 's post

8 months ago

Do we have any idea when SS will include HomeKit compatibility? The CES announcement said this year I believe.

@emily_s​ That is frustrating. I have seen statements from SS that it is being worked on, and now it seems it is off the table and has been for some time. My home is an Apple Ecosystem, I am not sure I would have bought into SS had I known you would

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2 years ago

Hi folks, I’m happy to announce that the latest Outdoor Camera firmware is now rolling out. As always, camera updates are delivered to your device automatically, and you can check if you already have it by heading to the Camera Settings section of the SimpliSafe app. Here’s what’s coming to you

commented on 's post

2 years ago

Hi folks, I’m happy to announce that the latest Outdoor Camera firmware is now rolling out. As always, camera updates are delivered to your device automatically, and you can check if you already have it by heading to the Camera Settings section of the SimpliSafe app. Here’s what’s coming to you

I have two outdoor cameras, one says it is on version and the other says version What is version 99? When can I expect the update of 1.7 to 1.9? I also have a doorbell camera, which is on version, will that be updated

replied to a comment on
's post

3 years ago

How do I turn off 2-Factor Authentication? Don't get me wrong, I think it is a good thing, but because SimpliSafe does not support multiple accounts it is fundamentally broken. My wife and I both use the SimpliSafe App on both iPhone and iPad and the web site on our Mac's. Each time SimpliSafe wa

@davey_d​ Thanks Davey. I set that up. It is a bit non-obvious that you can do that. In most 2FA systems adding another factor means adding a different factor, as in a SecurID, Fingerprint reader, FaceID, etc. It normally does not mean another of

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3 years ago

Hi @garskof, The solution you're looking for is to add a second contact for the 2FA confirmation. To do that, head over to the app on your own phone (assuming you're already logged in) and go to Menu > Manage Account > Multi-Factor Authenticat

replied to a comment on
's post

3 years ago

How do I turn off 2-Factor Authentication? Don't get me wrong, I think it is a good thing, but because SimpliSafe does not support multiple accounts it is fundamentally broken. My wife and I both use the SimpliSafe App on both iPhone and iPad and the web site on our Mac's. Each time SimpliSafe wa

@captain11​ Unfortunately you can not turn off 2FA in the app. If I go to where you define it just lets me change the number that SimpliSafe calls for 2FA. If you try and delete it the app says that you must have at least one authentication method. I

's post

3 years ago

How do I turn off 2-Factor Authentication? Don't get me wrong, I think it is a good thing, but because SimpliSafe does not support multiple accounts it is fundamentally broken. My wife and I both use the SimpliSafe App on both iPhone and iPad and the web site on our Mac's. Each time SimpliSafe wa

posted a post

September 5, 2022

3 years ago

How do I turn off 2-Factor Authentication? Don't get me wrong, I think it is a good thing, but because SimpliSafe does not support multiple accounts it is fundamentally broken. My wife and I both use the SimpliSafe App on both iPhone and iPad and the web site on our Mac's. Each time SimpliSafe wa

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3 years ago

I've been a Simplisafe customer for a few years now, however, I'm also researching alternatives due to the lack of Homekit integration. Simplisafe, if you want to keep my business, you're going to need to add Homekit to the supported platforms.

commented on 's post

3 years ago

Do we have any idea when SS will include HomeKit compatibility? The CES announcement said this year I believe.

Apple HomeKit integration would be awesome. Do you have any idea where I could find that CES announcement?