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December 7th, 2021

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8 months ago

I didn't realize the doorbell had a battery. I received an alert message today stating it was less than 30%

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8 months ago

I didn't realize the doorbell had a battery. I received an alert message today stating it was less than 30%

I have had my video doorbell for over two years and got the message about the battery a couple weeks ago. I ignored it and now the battery is dead and the doorbell is not working. Why all of a sudden is this happening and how do I charge the battery?

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December 7, 2021

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December 5, 2021

3 years ago

I am about to purchase all new smoke detectors for my home and and looking at Xsense which can be interconnected (over radio signals) and have a 10 year battery. My question is: Will these detectors cause interference with my Simplisafe system? As it is I get the base system stating that there is wi