November 14th, 2021
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9 months ago
I recently had a credit card hacked so I had to get a new one. I found a way to add a new card but there does not appear to be any way to get rid of the old number. Anyone figure it out? This Product Request has been created from question posts from users across the Community.
9 months ago
I recently had a credit card hacked so I had to get a new one. I found a way to add a new card but there does not appear to be any way to get rid of the old number. Anyone figure it out? This Product Request has been created from question posts from users across the Community.
2 years ago
How do I purchase extra magnets to put on a window so you can sleep with the window slightly open?
I decided to just buy some small magnets and double sided tape them on the window sash. Just be sure you get small bar magnets, with N/S on both ends. Many flat "refrigerator" type magnets are magnetized N/S across their face, and won't work.&
2 years ago
How do I purchase extra magnets to put on a window so you can sleep with the window slightly open?
2 years ago
How do I purchase extra magnets to put on a window so you can sleep with the window slightly open?
@danrozett No, the extra magnets are not there. They are nowhere to be found on your site.
joined community.November 14, 2021
4 years ago
Just got charged for the monthly monitoring fee. It was $26.62. Previously it was $24.99. I am gonna assume that the extra $1.63 is sales tax as that is what is works out to in the county I live in. Any one else experience the same?
If they "announced it" here, why would ANYONE have seen it? Simplisafe is one giant marketing machine; everything about them is organized towards more sales, and little to nothing is to SUPPORT THE EXISTING CUSTOMERS! It would have taken them under
4 years ago
Just got charged for the monthly monitoring fee. It was $26.62. Previously it was $24.99. I am gonna assume that the extra $1.63 is sales tax as that is what is works out to in the county I live in. Any one else experience the same?
Same happened to me here in Florida today. So I guess it was far too much effort for Simplisafe to notify users that this was changing? JERKS!!!!!
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