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The battery within the Key Fob cannot be replaced. However, we anticipate it lasting up to 5 years, depending on usage. If you need to replace your battery, please contact customer support for additional assistance.
Battery / Power
Help Center Article
Key Fob
If you receive the warning “Panic Button Not Responding” it’s possible that it could be the result of low batteries, or a weak connection between the device and Base Station.Checking the BatteryAs a first step, we recommend ensuring that the batteries are correctly installed.Slide the Panic Button u
Errors / Warnings
Panic Button
Your Extra Siren is equipped with a whopping 105dB siren. So it's sure to get the attention of any uninvited guests. It can also play a door chime when Entry Sensors are open, and a countdown when the entry or exit delays are triggered. Please note that the Extra Siren does not relay the Video
Customize your Settings
Features / Settings
Extra Siren
Your Key Fob is designed to arm or disarm your system with a quick press of a button. If you find that it’s not responding to button presses, there are two main reasons this could happen:The Key Fob is experiencing interference or is out of range The battery within the Key Fob may be low or dead Key