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Monday, September 26th, 2022 12:03 AM


Amazon Alexa Show and Alexa SimpliSafe Skill

​Can you create a SimpliSafe Doorbell/Camera Skill for the Alexa - especially the Alexa Show?  I just replaced my Ring Video Doorbell Pro with your Video Doorbell Pro and odd things happen with the Alexa.​

​To start with, the doorbell is installed correctly and integrated with the SimpliSafe Web App.  I disabled the Ring skill and Enabled the SimpliSafe skill on the Alexa App.​

​If I tell the Alexa App to look for the device as a camera, it find it but Identifies it as a Ring device and wants to use the Ring app/skill to integrate (with any video coming from Ring.com) (by the way, that ricochet through Ring.com to get back to the Alexa was never a good selling point for that system and frequently prone to failure).​

​I contact your "online chat" user support, and they said "that was normal".  Then after I convinced them that they were telling me to use the Ring skill and have it pull the video from Ring.com, they recanted and sent me to phone support.​

​Phone support said that the Alexa Skill integration doesn't exist.​

​What is the time frame for enabling this skill?​

This conversation has been merged. Please refer the main conversation:

View Cameras on Smart Displays

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2 years ago

Hi @JAGalbraith ,

So sorry for the confusion!

Right now, if you are subscribed to Interactive Monitoring, you can enable integration with Amazon's Alexa through the SimpliSafe account online. When enabled, you can arm your SimpliSafe system by voice, and add that arming action to a routine.

However, there is no available integration for our cameras. The only way to access and control your SimpliSafe cameras is through the SimpliSafe app.

Compatibility with smart displays, like the Echo Show, has been requested, and that request has been forwarded to our development team. But as of right now, the feature is NOT IN DEVELOPMENT.


2 Messages

@davey_d​ Simplisafe is behind the time with this

3 Messages

I'm going to be joining the list of customers looking to jump ship if Simplisafe doesn't correct this.  There is no excuse for this system not to be integrated with smart home capability in this day and age of technology.  

"Smart home compatible

Use your system with Alexa, Google Assistant, August Locks, and Apple Watch."

Put an asterisk there and say barely any actual features available through smart home devices.  

2 Messages

2 years ago

Really tired of hearing how Simplisafe is actively not developing seemingly anything.

seriously considering switching to Ring, or some system that can actually integrate with Alexa. Im not talking about "Skills". I mean like proper integration, like when my alarm turns off, turn on the light, open the blinds, etc.

all this is impossible with Simplisafe, but probably with everybody else.

2 Messages

2 years ago

Would love to see this video capability! Amazon owns Ring, and Ring is a competitor of Simplisafe. But let’s put our differences aside for the safety of mankind, people!

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